Acoustic Testing

Acoustic Measurement



Acoustical testing that we offer

We conduct field transmission loss measurements in accordance with approved and recognized international standards and carry out acoustical testing and evaluation of new or existing products including laboratory/ field projects, together with construction and assessment of product prototypes. Professional representation by independent acoustic laboratories are also available in Malaysia and Sweden.

Testing and Measurements Service

We Offer a wide variety of on-site acoustic testing such as:

Field Sound Transmission Class (FSTC) Apparent Sound Transmission Class (ASTC) evaluates the sound-insulating properties of in place building elements ON FIELD (site). It quantifies sound isolation between two rooms and the performance of a partition installed in the interior of a building.

The FSTC is calculated per ASTM E-413.

ASTC is calculated as per ASTM E336.

DnTw rating describes the acoustic performance of a completed part of a building. The method for calculating weighted values is defined in BS EN ISO 717-1:1997.

Noise Isolation Class (NIC) A single number noise reduction rating of a partition, room, or enclosure, where sound pressure level differentials are measured in one-third octave bands and compared with standard contours as per ASTM E 413.

FIIC – stands for "Field Impact Insulation Class". This is a unit of measurement that determines the degree of soundproofing of the impact noise of a floor/ceiling assembly on site rather than in a laboratory. The higher the FIIC, the better the acoustic insulation. A FIIC test is carried out on site, in real buildings.
AIIC – stands for "Apparent Impact Insulation Class," which is the insulation index of the apparent impact noise of a floor/ceiling assembly on site.
Since ASTM E1007-14 and ASTM E336-14 came to affect, details have been provided on how to measure and present the results of acoustic tests carried out on site. All new tests carried out on site will now be preceded by the letter "A" rather than "F".

A simplified sound level meter is attached to an individual in order to assess their noise exposure during a predefined period

OSHA compliance and other Federal agencies when properties such as houses, apartments and condominiums are located near noise sources like Airports, Train Tracks, Highways and Freeways, Manufacturing Plants, Sewage Treatments Plants, and Power Stations noise surveys are timed studies detailing the noise levels for a specific time period

Used for determining what frequencies in the audio band a particular noise is coming from when measured from an adjacent house, apartment, condominium or commercial space

Used for tracking down vibration coming from machinery, and sometimes to determine whether a machine assembly is in balance. We can provide both real-time and long term logging of vibrating structures.

Acoustic facts is a world leading expert in interior acoustics. Acoustic data that has been certified, evaluated and broadcasted by Acoustic Facts gives credibility for the use of the product throughout the design process. Performing calculations with evaluated products imply safe design of any room and satisfied end users.

Used for compliance with local, state, and/or federal requirements of noise level

We are able to offer most ASTM, and ISO tests in the acoustic area.

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