We provide industry-leading acoustic advice at every point in the construction life cycle. Our acoustic consultant has specialized knowledge to ensure any new build or converted spaces adheres to the relevant building regulations.
We provide acoustic consultancy as well as offer technical knowledge with conducting acoustic tests and measurements to ensure criteria for acoustic standards and guidelines are met.
We offer various acoustic solutions that are sustainably made and specifically tailored to acquire comfort that improves atmospheric conditions.
We are constantly developing innovative pieces that align within our mission to ensure relevant products are produced with beauty and function while simultaneously being sustainable throughout the process with effective acoustical values.
Talented professionals have enabled ALFAdB to become a trusted independent company who specialize in acoustic consultancy, testing and materials. Through their knowledge, professionalism and dedication, they have won a wide range of contracts in the acoustic sector and now actively work with industry bodies, local government and a range of private client and contractors.
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Offices can be noisy places, and this can have a negative impact on employee productivity. When working in an open plan office, there are several different problems to contend with. Such as, speech, telephones, ventilation systems, external sources, footsteps, appliance and artificial masking. Therefore, making it difficult for employees to concentrate and communicate. This is why office acoustics is becoming increasingly recognised as an important part of the design process.
Speech privacy and intelligibility can also be office problem where rooms have not been designed with acoustics in mind. For example, in meeting, interview or consultancy rooms, where conversations must remain private. Or, in conference rooms where high speech intelligibility is needed.
A common problem is poor sound insulation between offices. Where internal wall partitions have gaps at either the top and/or bottom which causes excessive flanking. This allows airborne sound to travel through the gaps.
Purpose of Office Space
When looking at the office acoustics, we need to understand the intended purpose of the room. As this will determine the acoustic design criteria for the room. There may also be more than one purpose for rooms and offices. Therefore, when looking at the acoustic design of an office, it could cover a range of issues, including:
How ALFAdB Can Help
Our expert consultants have years of experience in office acoustics and have worked with businesses of all sizes. On a variety of projects requiring tailored solutions. We pride ourselves on putting our clients first, finding the right solution and avoiding unnecessary costs.
We can help with the planning and designing stage of new office builds. Which is often the most cost-effective way. We can identify all areas where acoustic treatments will be required and advise on the best way to install for the maximum benefit.
Furthermore, we can advise on existing offices. Providing sound tests, diagnosis and remedial guidance to improve the issue to a manageable level. While always minimising costs.
Acoustic Design
ALFAdB can work alongside your team of architects, builders and developers to create an office that is pleasing on the eye. As well as, being acoustically compliant. Therefore, providing a productive working environment for your employees.
We have acoustic modelling software that will help us to evaluate the internal sound levels within an open plan office building. So, that the placement of acoustic screens and absorption can be optimised.
When assessing office acoustics, we refer to range of guidance:
Testing & Validation
ALFA can provide testing and validation services for office buildings. As well as diagnosis and remedial guidance.
For medium and large office spaces, ALFA are also able to complete field testing and validation to BS EN ISO 3382-3:2012 Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters Part 3: Open plan offices.
Visit our SOUND TESTING page for more information on testing.
Acoustic Materials
We also provide acoustic materials at very competitive prices. ALFA give free and impartial advice. If you need any assistance on the best sound proofing products to choose for your project. Give our team a call and they will be more than happy to help.
Absorption Panels
Acoustic Ceiling
Sound Barrier
Research shows that extreme noise and poor acoustics can have a harmful effect on pupils’ learning. As well as on teachers’ vocal health. Therefore, the acoustic design of schools is essential for effective teaching and learning.
More stringent acoustic standards can apply for pupils in special groups. Such as, those with impaired hearing and additional leaning needs.
Colleges, universities, higher and further education
As highlighted in the acoustic design for schools’ research. Acoustics are vital for effective teaching and learning.
When will I need to seek acoustic design guidance?
You will need to seek acoustic design guidance at the outline project stage. It is important that all parties involved in the project are aware of the acoustic implications. By involving us from the start we will give advice on the design all the way through to construction. To ensure that the best acoustic solution is achieved
What we will provide
We will provide you with detailed acoustic guidance. The guidance will include:
Testing and validation
There is no requirement in Building Regulations for acoustic commissioning of schools. However, the process is strongly recommended to demonstrate the project has achieved its acoustic design. Testing is often a requirement as part of client or contractual obligations. Or, if the scheme is to be assessed against BREEAM New Construction technical manual for non-domestic buildings.
ALFA can provide testing and validation services for school buildings following the Association of Noise Consultants publication ‘Good Practice Guide – Acoustic Testing of Schools’. A testing programme should be agreed prior to attempting (which should ideally exist prior to construction).
In the event of a failure to meet the project’s acoustic criteria, consultancy advice can be provided to achieve a suitable design standard
Acoustic design is fundamental to the quality of healthcare buildings. Good acoustic conditions improve patient privacy, dignity and promote suitable sleep patterns. Good acoustics are therefore essential to assist healing. Good acoustic design of healthcare facilities brings additional benefits in terms of patient or staff comfort and morale, as well as improved efficiency and usability building spaces and equipment.
The acoustic requirements for health sector buildings (e.g. doctors’ surgeries, care homes, health centres and hospitals) are important.
ALFAdB can provide detailed acoustic guidance for the development of healthcare facilities. Design guidance should be provided from the outline project stage to include:
Acoustic Design process
ALFA offer full acoustic design consultation and sound testing services, in which we can provide you with all the assistance and documentation that you need to ensure that your residential development meets the legally required acoustic performance standards.
Our approach to design and testing is listed in five steps, as follows:
Step 1 – We will review your architects’ drawings to ensure that the basic acoustic principles have been followed so far. From there, we will be able to work out if the acoustic performance needs to be altered, especially in cases where the changes are likely to save time or material costs.
In conversion projects we’ll also visit your site prior and analyse the current state of building construction. This enables us to get a complete picture of which acoustic treatments will be necessary. We’ll work out the cheapest and most efficient way of converting the building using the products and systems currently available.
Step 2 – We will provide a full report that details all the aspects of acoustic treatment that will be required for the project to meet Requirement of Approved acoustic criteria. This report will include both cross section diagrams and sketches.
Step 3 – We will visit your site whilst construction is taking place in order to ensure that the construction methods being used are in-keeping with those originally specified. We’ll remain on hand to assist the builder in ensuring that the required level of detail is met.
Step 4 – Where possible, we will work with you to supply building materials at reduced costs, helping to save the project even more money.
Step 5 – We’ll provide a competitive quote for carrying out the final test and, if you’re happy to proceed, we’ll carry out the test (where the project is relevant).
Halls and places of worship, for example churches, often suffer with poor acoustics. Typically, excessive reverberation, discrete echoes or intrusive noise can cause speech intelligibility problems. subsequently, words or music clarity is lost, poor acoustics can ruin an important message or a performance.
Such venues often have hard floors, sometimes without soft furnishings, hard reflective walls often without curtains and high ceilings. Halls and places of worship are normally of a large volume. All these elements will affect its room acoustic properties.
How Can we help
Whether your hall or place of worship in planning, construction or in normal use; we can help. At ALFA we can provide acoustic design advice, testing and validation or diagnosis and remedial guidance. We can also supply acoustic materials such as absorptive panels at very competitive prices.
Venues we can help with:
Amongst the most important factors when choosing a hotel are silence and peace. For a hotel, clients can become regular users if it also offers surroundings which are quiet and peaceful.
The sensation of acoustic comfort inside hotels is very important because it creates a more welcoming atmosphere and allows clients to have a more pleasant stay.
Guest room acoustics pose a significant challenge for hotels, with noise regularly topping the list of complaints across all property types. Unwanted sounds irritate guests during the day, prevent them from relaxing in the evening, and affect their ability to sleep.
Noise issues can be attributed to a variety of interior and exterior sources, including guest activity (e.g. talking, arguing, or partying), electronics or appliances (e.g. televisions, alarm clocks, or HVAC systems), hallway sounds (e.g. ice machines, elevators, or slamming doors), and the building’s surrounding environment (e.g. if the property is located beneath an air route, adjacent to a freeway, or near a nightclub).
For hotels, the financial impact of a noise problem can be substantial. Following an unpleasant stay, dissatisfied guests are less likely to return to a property and more inclined to post a negative review online. As a result, the hotel’s reputation and bookings can suffer. A TripAdvisor survey found 55 per cent of people booking hotel rooms specifically read online reviews mentioning sleep quality before making a reservation. There are also direct costs associated with appeasing unhappy visitors, such as offering discounts and vouchers
In other words, good planning not only ensures minimizing errors, it also ensures less delays (and therefore more costs).
The acoustic design of recording studios is not as simple as sticking ‘egg boxes’ on the walls…
At ALFA we’ve designed studio environments for a range of developments and clients; including control rooms for a major commercial record label, practice and recording rooms for commercial uses, as well as music rooms for educational establishments.
The acoustic design of a recording studio is normally a bespoke process depending on the user requirements. At ALFA we can provide a full range of technical acoustic guidance in the design of a music studio, from pre-planning to commissioning. Our design work for studios normally includes:
BREEAM is an international certification scheme by BRE Global Ltd that allows independent certification to the assessment of sustainability performance of buildings, community and infrastructure projects. It can be used across the project life cycle, from design and construction through to operation and refurbishment.
At the heart of BREEAM are impartial experts, such as ALFA working with qualified and licensed BREEAM Assessors.
At ALFA our Principal Acoustician achieve clause 1 to 3 of BREEAM suitably qualified acoustician (SQA); having degree or equivalent qualification in acoustics, a minimum of three years relevant experience and being corporate members of our industry body, the Institute of Acoustics. We are therefore able to provide relevant BREEAM acoustic design reports given that SQA criteria must be satisfied in any BREEAM acoustic assessment.
Our acoustic assessments can include a range of project types, including education, healthcare, office, courts, industrial, retail, prisons and other building types. BREEAM acoustic assessments are normally aimed towards two common factors of the BREEAM Technical Manual, at the relevant stage of the project lifecycle, to include:
Given the diverse nature of projects that can encompass a BREEAM acoustic assessment, any BREEAM related enquiry should provide the relevant BREEAM Technical Manual and lifecycle stage for consideration. BREEAM trackers (where available from licensed BREEAM assessors) are very useful in understanding how BREEAM acoustic performance and pollution credits are used in rating the overall project sustainability.